The Secret Behind Adding A Successful & Profitable One Room “Micro-Gym” In Your Office

    There is a secret trend growing among healthcare professionals who are getting into the wellness arena by offering “micro gym” exercise programs to their patients. This comes as a result of a number of factors including:

    • Patient’s fear of returning to “big box” gyms in light of the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had in large public areas and venues.
    • Patient’s fear of getting hurt because of the lack of supervision and help in traditional health clubs and gyms.
    • Patients not really knowing how to exercise properly and efficiently so they are maximizing their time, effort, and membership fee.
    • Patients don’t want to look silly or embarrassed when exposed in a display-like environment in a gym or health club.

    What patients are really looking for is a concise, focused, and personalized exercise experience that is both effective and time efficient. And this is why forward-thinking medical doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors are taking advantage of this paradigm shift and offering “micro gym” exercise programs to their patients as converted cash-paying wellness clients.

    The Secret To Their Success

    The “secret sauce” that makes these micro gyms so successful and profitable is that they are niche focusedthe exercise approach is centered a specific health condition that patients not only have a need for, but they WANT to participate in them and are willing to pay cash.

    This is a significant departure from what a patient experiences when they go to the gym or health club down the street. Instead, these doctors know that they have to offer an exercise program that is a cut above everything else that the patient has access to, and statistically-speaking the more unique the equipment they use in their program, the higher the price they can charge to their once patients and now converted cash-paying wellness clients.

    5 Examples Of One Room Micro Gyms You Can Implement Right Inside Your Office

    Here are 5 examples of proven, health niche specific One Room Micro Gyms that can be implemented in a small footprint of only 80-225 sq. ft. right inside a healthcare professionals office.

    One Room Micro Gym #1: Bone Health & Osteoporosis Prevention

    Proven, evidence based non-drug approach to creating bone growth, improving balance, and minimizing fall and fracture risk.

    Osteoporosis is a silent disease that affects the integrity of bone’s internal structure.

    That’s why you can create a unique place where your wellness clients can go to improve their overall health by focusing on the one thing we all have in common: a skeletal system.

    Patients of all ages and levels of activity can participate to promote skeletal strength which impacts the entire body in many ways using a process known as Osteogenic Loading.

    One Room Micro Gym #2: Personal Fitness, Strength Improvement, & Saropenia (Muscle Loss) Prevention

    Comprehensive strength training program, individualized to halt and reverse age-related muscle loss, increase strength and stamina, and improve cardio vascular health.

    Muscle loss begins to accelerate after the age of 40 unless consistent, safe stimulus is applied to the muscles of the body.

    This micro gym wellness program naturally enhances and improves a patient’s metabolic profile, which in turn can have a far-reaching positive impact on their health and aging process.

    One Room Micro Gym #3: Neck & Back Pain Prevention

    As the insurance industry continues to move toward value-based care and reimbursement to healthcare providers based on a patient outcomes, providing this one room wellness program allows your patient’s body to heal itself and prevent recurrence of pain while eliminating unnecessary and long-term use of medication, surgery and injections.

    As a patient is dismissed from acute care, this proven method and modalities will strengthen back and neck musculature, improve posture, restore function, and continue to mitigate pain.

    One Room Micro Gym #4: Insulin Resistance, A1C Reduction, & Diabetes Prevention

    Statistics show that Type II diabetes (T2D) and pre-diabetes, also known as metabolic disease, affects nearly 100 million Americans (1 in 3 people). It is a hidden epidemic with a sequalae of health consequences that often go unnoticed by your patient until they’ve gone past the point of most preventive measures.

    Fortunately, early detection of blood sugar irregularities and insulin resistance can allow this one room micro gym approach to be used alone or in conjunction with dietary and lifestyle changes.

    One Room Micro Gym #5: Mental Acuity & Memory Loss Prevention

    As your patients continue to search for mental acuity and memory loss solutions, you can implement a One Room “mental exercise” micro gym with special types of equipment that train your patient for balance and cognitive issues, especially in light of COVID19 post acute manifestations.

    Statistics prove that of all of the diseases that people are worried about from 40 years old and beyond, including arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer, early dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease is the highest by 2.5 times. Solutions for this patient audience are not only in demand now, but you can easily begin to provide an answer in your One Room Wellness Center.

    Let Us Help You Take The First Step

    Your patients are already looking for is a solution that is safe, effective, and takes them by the hand – a solution that helps them change their lifestyle to incorporate participation in a results-orientated wellness program on a regular and consistent basis.

    For more information on how you can secure your financial future in practice by offering your patients a more “lifestyle-based” wellness solution that they will gladly pay you more for, schedule a Brief, 15-Minute Phone Consultation during which we’ll discuss how to start, grow, and profit from implementing a cash-based wellness program in your practice.