A Successful “Wellness” Business Model That Chiropractors Should Learn From The Dental Profession

    Several decades ago, the dental profession found itself having to deal with similar financial turmoil that many other types of healthcare practitioners are facing today. When forces beyond their control caused a significant decline in new patients, patient visits, and in their practice revenues, they re-invented themselves and realized the power they could harness if they took the lead in “preventive wellness”. Do you recall what they did?

    That’s right… they added a “wellness” cash-based revenue stream to their practices called… Dental Hygiene. They hired and trained qualified para-professionals called dental hygienists and created an almost totally hands-off cash income stream to their practices… all in the name of PREVENTION AND WELLNESS.

    All of a sudden, patients saw their dentist in a new light… as a Wellness Doctor. And they believed that their dentist had taken a more positive role in their dental care.

    The result? More new patients… more patient visits… and more practice revenue! In fact, statistics show that the average yearly revenue from offering a dental hygiene program with a single dental hygienist in a dental practice is between $120,000 and $154,000.

    So why can’t chiropractors follow the same successful business model? You can.

    Realize Your Practice’s True Potential…

    In order to not just survive, but THRIVE during these challenging times, you need to be armed with a proven practice building strategy that can help you solve the challenges of this “New Economy” and strengthen or re-establish your practice and yourself as a powerful and profitable “wellness” force in your community.

    Here are just some of the outcomes you can experience when you do it “right”…

    • You’ll be able to predictably attract more (and better) New Patients to your practice that will help you to generate more income with less stress.
    • You’ll be able to boost your practice with Referrals and you already know that referred patients stay longer and spend more on your services.
    • You’ll be able to increase your Practice Retention and thus decrease the need for expensive external marketing.
    • You’ll be able to get your “Lost Patients” back… there’s literally a goldmine hidden in your inactive patient files.
    • You’ll be able to have a completely New Cash Revenue Stream that will allow you to generate income without you having to deliver the services.
    • You’ll discover additional “Hidden” Profit Services that your patients are already looking for and willing to pay you cash for.

    As we continue to see the decline of insurance reimbursement services for chiropractors, as well as the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on virtually all healthcare practices, the time is NOW to act in the implementation of a small but powerful wellness program right within the four walls of your practice that can generate the same level of income that the dental profession realized… once they put on their “wellness doctor” hat.

    Find The Room… And We’ll Help You Do The Rest!

    Most healthcare practitioners admit that they don’t make best use of ALL their office space. Unfortunately, the problem is… wasted office space costs you MONEY if it’s not creating practice revenue for you.

    If you can find approximately 200-225 sq. ft. of “wasted space” within the 4 walls of your office, we can show you how to design, launch, and grow your One Room Wellness Center.